Monday, August 25, 2008

ENGLISH - Words to Live By (7)

No good deed goes unpunished.
No job is too small to botch.
No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
No matter what happens, there is always someone who knew it would.
No matter which way you ride, it's up hill and against the wind.
No one can get ahead of you when they're kicking you in the rear.
Nobody ever puts out a sign that says "NICE DOG".
Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
Nothing increases your golf score like witnesses.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Nothing stimulates the appetite like an empty billfold.
Old doctors never die, they just lose their patients.
Old frogs never die...but they do croak.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Only a ball player's errors are published every day.
Only adults have trouble with child-proof bottles.
Parents never fully appreciate teachers until it rains all weekend.
Part-time musicians are semiconductors.
People who live in stone houses shouldn't throw glasses.
Pilots are just plane folks.
Politicians will always inflate when given the opportunity.
Postmen never die, they just lose their zip.
Practice makes perfect, but no one's perfect, so why practice?
Pride is what we have...vanity is what others have.
Prunes give you a run for your money.
"Push" is the force exerted upon the door marked "PULL".
Rubber bands have snappy endings.

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