Saturday, March 29, 2014






且不說舟車勞頓,山路崎嶇、祭祀場所各種煙灰影響,在很多地方掃墓有放爆竹的習慣,這些都會影響到孕婦自身健康或孩子的健康。從民俗角度去看,尚未出世的孩子是不合適 去見這些死去的人的,因為很容易引起孩子夭折。若孕婦必須去,那就得用紅布將肚子包上一包。但還是強烈建議不要去。




 有一種說法是7歲以下的孩子不合適,但其實從命理角度上 去看,3歲的更不合適,因為不管從中國的宗教還是國外前世今生理論,都提及3歲以下的孩子最容易看到另一個世界。從科學角度上來講3歲以內的孩子容易因為掃墓現場的各種條件限制不好攜帶,外出到一個相對汙染比較厲害的地方也容易讓孩子生病,也就是不建議帶去了,哺乳期的媽媽就更別帶自己嬰幼兒去了。


 印堂發暗和眼窩發青發黑的人處於一個很晦氣的時期,掃墓是祭拜祖先,大部分墳墓規則不會是一個很獨立的地方,而是要經過不少其他家的墳墓。晦氣臨門更不合適去穿越陰氣 紮堆的地方。






Friday, March 28, 2014

Qing Ming Festival 清明節

Qing Ming Festival    清明節

Qingming, meaning clear and bright, is the day for mourning the dead, and a day for Chinese families to visit their ancestors graves. 10 days before and after the actual Qingming day of 5th of April 2014, you may observe hundreds of families visiting the cemetery to sweep/clean their ancestors’ graves and repaint the inscriptions on the tomstones to show their respect. The families will bring food offerings too.


"Sweeping the graves" means to clear the graves of all the leaves and weeds and repaint the inscriptions on it. The Chinese believe that too many leaves surrounding the graves disturb the spirit of the ancestors. Then food such as fruit, rice, wine, chicken, pork, cakes etc., the favorite food of the ancestors, will be put around the grave for the spirit of the ancestors. The Chinese believe that the dead ancestors are not eating well in their afterlife. Giving them their favorite food not only shows respect for them but also brings the descendants good life and health. The Chinese believe that the spirit has power to fulfil wishes. The food is not wasted as after prayers they will be brought back and shared among the descendants. The Chinese believe that eating them brings good health. Also, paper money is burned, candles are lit and the whole family kneels to pay respect. The Chinese also believes that paper money can be consumed in heaven or hell.

New generations will see less of these graves, as nowsaday all deads are cremated and kept in the government 's columbarium in Mandai or Aljunied and other privately owned temples with such facilities.


That reminded me of a popular poem by Du MU.

清 明
清 明 时 节 雨 纷 纷,
路 上 行 人 欲 断 魂。
借 问 酒 家 何 处 有,
牧 童 遥 指 杏 花 村。

Qing Ming
It’s raining hard at the time of the Qing Ming Festival,
The mourner’s heart is overwhelmed on the road upland.
May I ask where there’s a tavern to drown my sorrows?
The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village in the distance.

Monday, March 3, 2014

International Women Day Celebration

Moulmein Owen RC celebrated International Women 's Day with luncheon on :

Date :  Saturday, 8 March 2014.
Time : 11.30 am to 3.00pm
Venue: Ban Heng Pavillion Restaurant @ Harbour Front
No of participants : 120 pax.
The photos are taken at this afternoon, during the event.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Revisit Gardens by the Bay with new attractions

Back by Popular Demand we are revisiting Gardens by the Bay on:
 Date  : Sunday, 20 April 2014
Time : 8.30 am to 2.00pm.     
ALL  TICKETS  HAVE BEEN TAKEN - No more tickets available.
  This time you would be able to view the new attraction " The Sun Pavillion" and visit the Satay by the Bay for lunch. The fee include 2 ways transport, admission to Flower Dome and Cloud Forest Conservatories and a compliment food voucher to Satay by the Bay. Noted that the Satay by the Bay is quite a walking distance from the Cloud Forest conservatory. More details please check it up with Owen RC Manager or with  Pek Kio CC.

The  Sun Pavilion, is home to the largest cacti and succulent collections in Southeast Asia. Discover an amazing variety of over 1,000 plants from the deserts of Madagascar, Mexico, Argentina, Kenya, Brazil and many more, which bring to mind the desert landscapes reminiscent of those in the olden-day cowboy films.

Satay by the Bay - This is a little bit of a walk from the Gardens By The Bay but was well worth it. Not only Satay but a huge choice of other foods were available. The "food court" there is opened 24/7.